We are so excited to announce our next nomadic exhibition!

Field Notes opening in March - June 2023 in collaboration with TPAC at the Truckee Donner Recreation Center!

Check out the TPAC recent exhibition FOREST = FIRE here


Field Notes is a selection of work by 3 women artists, Julia Schwadron Marianelli, Megan Berner and Jean Brennan

who respond and relate to our unusual and extreme environment through various mediums.


 More to come about this exhibition and the reception date.


Here is a tiny taste of what you will see...

Furled Semaphore flags by Jean Brennan from her Performing the Vowels series

Detail of Brittle Myths acrylic ink on paper on board, 24 x 18in., 2021 by Julia Schwadron Marianelli

Megan Berner is one of the 3 artists participating on Field Notes. She will be showing new giant scale work from her Fading Light | Shifting Landscapes series



Aside from participating in the Field Notes Exhibition, Brennan is working on her Sensory Cookbook for a Warming Climate—a risograph-printed recipe book for creating scent, color, and other delectables from a future landscape. This project is supported by a Steamplant Initiative grant. 

Shown here Pokeweed, Phytolacca Americana, the ripened berries of which creates a reddish purple dye. Young leaves can be eaten but only if boiled.

Delicious new intaglio prints have arrived from Eunkang Koh who made major creative use of her recent sabbatical!

Tomatoes Baa, 4 x 5 inches (image size), 7 ½ x 8 ½ inches (paper size), intaglio, chin colle, 2022, edition of 5

What is Chine Collé?

A technique, used in conjunction with printmaking processes such as etching or lithography, that results in a two-layered paper support: a tissue-thin paper, cut to the size of the printing plate, and a larger, thicker support paper below. Both the tissue and the support sheet are placed on top of the inked plate and run together through the printing press, sometimes with a thin layer of adhesive between them to reinforce the bond produced through the pressure of the press. The process creates a subtle, delicate backdrop to the printed image. Chine is the French word for China, referring to the fact that the thin paper originally used with this technique was imported from China. In addition to China, paper was also imported from India or Japan. Collé is the French word for "glued." (MOMA)

Coyote Pack, 9x10 inches, intaglio, 2022 edition of 5. Eunkang Koh

What is Intaglio?

A general term for metal-plate printmaking techniques, including etching, drypoint, engraving, aquatint, and mezzotint. The word comes from the Italian intagliare, meaning “to incise” or “to carve.” In intaglio printing, the lines or areas that hold the ink are incised below the surface of the plate, and printing relies on the pressure of a press to force damp paper into these incised lines or areas, to pick up ink. (MOMA)

Assumma has been participating in a fantastic group show in Italy, titled FORESTART

Foresta Arte Contemporanea, is a project by galleries; PrimoPiano, Magazzini Fotografico, and KROMÌA.
They presented the first collective photo exhibition edition in the Cultural Village of Foresta – Tora e Piccilli (Caserta) Italy. The exhibition venues are in ancient houses, rural and elegant, of the village of Foresta which is currently uninhabited but all recently purchased by new Forestas with the main intention of regenerating the very small and historic center.
You can read more in the Italian ArtTribune (in Italian)

Giampiero Assumma with his photographs

Dániel's hands", Budapest, 2018, Hahnemühle FineArt Print. 30x40cm (11.81" x 15.75") or 40x60cm (15.75" x 23.62")


Berner has a solo show titled Desert Ephemeral, in the Main Gallery at Truckee Meadows Community College. The reception and Artist talk is on March 1st 5-7pm in the Main Gallery.
You can find more information about the exhibition here.

Easton has been collaborating with YMC London who have produced a line of T-shirts with some of his folkloric drawings.


Schwadron Marianelli has just returned recently from a trip through South America, she shares her latest sketchbook, and her in-studio preparation for a giant commissioned painting below the sketchbooks.
It is always wonderful to see the secret working processes of artists and their notes in progress and what grows out of them!


It has also been such a pleasure watching Claire Scully allow us glimpses of her sketchbooks... She also has a new book coming out next year The Wilderness Trilogy, but shhhh that is all still top secret.


Recent work by Galen Brown...with the amount of snow that is lying around these colors seem apt....contact hello@melhopgallery.com if you want to see this piece in person or would like more information about his long wave work.

Untitled, aqua beside blue, 2022, long wave series, ink on museum board mounted on aluminum, mounted on wooden frame with aluminum backing, 4.75” x 32” x 1.5” Galen Brown


Speaking of artist's process, here is a behind the scenes image from the studio of Miya Hannan. Her latest work Crossing Paths is now available on Artsy. For those who are curious about her work methods, the fragments attached to the wall are stencils she has drawn/photographed and cut to create the soot images on this giant drawing.

Crossing Paths, 2022, Soot on paper, 36 × 72 in. Miya Hannan


Melhop's whispers Across Time series has been featured in THE HAND Magazine, many thanks to juror and Magazine Director, Adam Finkelstein.

Whisper portrait #6, 1/1, monotype, from the whispers across time series, 18” x 18” ink on BFK Rives Paper, 2021. Frances Melhop


Popoff has been quietly working away on a new series...

Piano Fingers, 2023, oil and wax on paper, 30 x 40" Kelly Popoff

MELHOP GALLERY now partners with the international art gallery platform ARTSY

Find our Gallery Page here featuring larger works by the 12 artists, more artwork added weekly!


For smaller selected artwork you can visit our gallery collect art page.
There are new works up by artists; Jennifer Garza-Cuen,
Stewart Easton, Eunkang Koh, and Galen Brown....
more added on a weekly basis also here.

So, we all think it is a good start to a very busy year! Happy February....it's already February!!!!!!!


we are going to FUTURE FAIR!


Happy 2023